Navigate back home

Navigate Back Home is a trauma informed program that gives women opportunities to continue to work on their journey of recovery, and rebuild their lives. Our Housing Referral Coordinator will ensure each woman receives support and guidance to obtain stability for long-term continuum of care until they receive permanent housing. Further, the Housing Coordinator will connect with housing agencies, such as Home Forward, second chance landlords, Clean and Sober Living homes, homeless shelters, homes for single women, and women with children to identify what housing opportunities are available.

Navigate Back Home goal is work with women two-three months prior to completion of transitional housing/and or treatment. With this timeline, the women will leave with a sense of direction and a plan for success. Together, the Housing Coordinator, and the women will create an action plan for continuum care and stabilization. The women will also participate in wrap-around services such as rent-well classes, life-skills groups, credit repair, sign-up to get a savings account, and expungement for record clearing to get themselves prepared to become an accountable and responsible tenant.